Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah is a novel that follows the story of Ayami, a former actress who works at an audio theater for the blind in Seoul. Over the course of a single night, Ayami's reality begins to blur as she encounters various characters and experiences strange, dreamlike events. The novel explores themes of identity, memory, and the fluidity of time, offering a haunting and surreal narrative.
Why You Should Read This Book
- A haunting and surreal novel that explores themes of identity and memory.
- Follows the story of Ayami over the course of a single, dreamlike night.
- Written by an acclaimed South Korean author.
- Offers a unique and thought-provoking narrative.
- Ideal for readers interested in experimental and literary fiction.
About the Author
Bae Suah is a South Korean writer and translator known for her experimental and innovative approach to fiction. Her works often explore themes of identity, memory, and the fluidity of time. Bae Suah's writing is celebrated for its unique narrative style and profound insights into the human experience.
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