The Listerdale Mystery and Other Stories is a collection of twelve intriguing short stories, each blending mystery, suspense, and a touch of humor. The title story revolves around a mysterious disappearance of a wealthy lord and the unusual circumstances surrounding his missing estate. The other stories delve into various themes, from theft and murder to romance and mistaken identities. Each story reflects Christie’s unique ability to craft twists and keep readers on edge.
Why read this book:
- A collection of shorter works that showcase Christie’s versatility beyond her iconic detectives.
- Each story provides a fresh, quick read with surprising resolutions.
- Combines mystery with lighthearted humor, offering a refreshing change of pace.
- Ideal for fans of classic short mystery fiction who enjoy a variety of plots and themes.
- Includes a range of engaging characters and unpredictable twists.
About the Author
Agatha Christie is hailed as the “Queen of Mystery,” having written 66 detective novels, 14 short story collections, and numerous plays. Her sharp wit, inventive plots, and enduring characters like Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple have solidified her as one of the best-selling authors of all time. Christie's works continue to captivate readers with their intricate puzzles and surprise endings. Many of her stories have been adapted into films, television series, and plays, further cementing her legacy in the world of crime fiction.
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