The Hidden Oracle marks the beginning of The Trials of Apollo, a spin-off series set in Rick Riordan's beloved world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The story follows the Greek god Apollo, who is cast down from Olympus by Zeus as punishment and forced to live as a mortal teenager named Lester Papadopoulos. Stripped of his divine powers, Apollo must navigate the challenges of mortal life while seeking redemption.
Guided by Meg McCaffrey, a mysterious demigod with her own secrets, Apollo embarks on a quest to reclaim his place on Olympus. The journey takes him to Camp Half-Blood, where he confronts ancient enemies, overcomes personal flaws, and learns the value of humility and friendship.
Why Read This Book
- Compelling twist on mythology: Experience the Greek pantheon from the perspective of a fallen god.
- Humor and wit: Apollo’s sarcastic narration and witty observations make the story engaging and entertaining.
- Rich world-building: Explore the familiar yet expanded universe of Camp Half-Blood and its connections to mythology.
- Relatable character growth: Witness Apollo’s transformation from a vain, self-centered deity to a more empathetic and self-aware individual.
- Action-packed adventure: Thrilling quests, dangerous foes, and heartwarming friendships keep readers hooked.
About the Author
Rick Riordan, often called the "Myth Master," is an American author best known for his modern retellings of ancient myths. Born on June 5, 1964, Riordan began his career as a middle-school teacher before becoming a full-time writer. His first series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, gained immense popularity for blending humor, action, and mythology. Riordan’s works, including The Kane Chronicles and The Heroes of Olympus, have introduced millions of readers to the myths of Greece, Egypt, and Norse culture.
Riordan’s ability to modernize classic myths and create relatable characters has earned him numerous accolades, including the Goodreads Choice Award. He continues to expand the mythological universe through new series and the imprint "Rick Riordan Presents," promoting diverse voices and global mythology.
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