This magical tale follows Luna, a girl unknowingly imbued with extraordinary powers, as she discovers her destiny in a world filled with witches, dragons, and forbidden forests. Winner of the Newbery Medal, The Girl Who Drank the Moonis a heartwarming story about love, sacrifice, and finding one's true strength.
Why Read This Book
- Enjoy an enchanting fantasy with rich characters and a poignant message.
- Explore themes of love, identity, and self-discovery.
- Immerse yourself in lyrical prose and a captivating world of magic.
About the Author
Kelly Regan Barnhill is a celebrated author of children’s literature. Her works, including The Girl Who Drank the Moon, are acclaimed for their imagination and emotional depth. Barnhill has won several awards, including the prestigious Newbery Medal, for her contributions to children’s fiction.
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