In this gripping sequel to The Family Upstairs, Lisa Jewell crafts a psychological thriller that delves into the dark secrets and tangled lives of the Lamb family. As police investigate a murder linked to the family’s mysterious past, new revelations threaten to upend their fragile stability.
With multiple narratives interwoven seamlessly, the novel explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption. Jewell’s signature style—character-driven storytelling with unexpected twists—keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
Why Read This Book
- Continues the suspenseful story from The Family Upstairs.
- Blends psychological drama with a tightly plotted mystery.
- Explores complex family dynamics and the impact of past traumas.
- Features Lisa Jewell’s knack for crafting relatable, flawed characters.
- Perfect for fans of dark, atmospheric thrillers.
About the Author
Lisa Jewell is a bestselling British author known for her psychological thrillers and character-rich narratives. With over 20 novels to her name, including Then She Was Gone and Invisible Girl, she has captivated readers worldwide. Her ability to blend domestic drama with suspense has earned her accolades and a loyal fanbase.
Jewell's writing reflects her keen understanding of human behavior, making her a master of contemporary thrillers.
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