Set in Peru, The Discreet Hero follows two parallel stories: that of Felícito Yanaqué, a small-business owner who refuses to pay extortionists, and Ismael Carrera, a wealthy man seeking revenge against his greedy sons. The novel is a rich exploration of the moral and social challenges faced by individuals in a rapidly changing society. Llosa’s skillful interweaving of these stories reveals the complexities of power, honor, and loyalty in modern life.
Why Read This Book
- A compelling narrative about moral courage and the struggle against corruption.
- Llosa’s writing offers a vivid portrayal of Peruvian society and its challenges.
- Engages with universal themes of family, loyalty, and personal integrity.
- Ideal for readers who enjoy socially conscious novels with complex characters.
- A gripping and insightful novel by one of Latin America’s greatest writers.
About the Author
Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian writer, journalist, and essayist, and a Nobel laureate in Literature. He is one of the most significant writers in Latin American literature, known for his exploration of social, political, and moral issues through his novels.
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