In Pre-Suasion, renowned psychologist and persuasion expert Robert B. Cialdini explores the critical moment before a message is delivered—the art of setting the stage for influence. By leveraging the principles of priming and preparation, Cialdini shows how to increase the likelihood of success in persuading others. Packed with research-based strategies and real-world examples, this book revolutionizes how we think about communication and influence.
Why Read This Book
- Learn how subtle changes in context can significantly impact decision-making.
- Gain insight into the psychology behind influence and persuasion.
- Practical applications for business, marketing, and everyday interactions.
- Written by a leading authority on influence, with decades of research experience.
- Companion to Cialdini’s classic Influence, expanding on key concepts.
About the Author
Dr. Robert B. Cialdini is a social psychologist and the author of several groundbreaking works on influence. Known as the "Godfather of Influence," he has spent his career studying the science of persuasion and its applications in business and personal contexts. His other works include Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, a cornerstone in behavioral science literature.
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