How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water follows the story of Cara Romero, a Dominican American woman navigating her life in New York City. Facing a series of personal and professional challenges, Cara reflects on her past and contemplates her future. The novel is a blend of humor and introspection, examining themes of identity, resilience, and the immigrant experience in America.
Why Read This Book
- Offers a unique perspective on the immigrant experience and identity.
- Balances humor with deep, introspective moments.
- Provides a richly layered narrative with well-developed characters.
- Ideal for readers interested in contemporary fiction with cultural and personal themes.
- Engages with themes of resilience, self-discovery, and cultural heritage.
About the Author
Angie Cruz is a Dominican American author whose works often explore themes of identity, culture, and the immigrant experience. She is known for her compelling storytelling and richly drawn characters. Cruz’s writing has received critical acclaim for its emotional depth and cultural insights.
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