This thrilling five-book series follows new demigod heroes and their epic adventures, expanding on the world of Percy Jackson. Combining Greek and Roman mythology, Heroes of Olympus captivates readers with its action, humor, and heartfelt moments.
Why Read This Book
- A fantastic blend of mythology and modern adventure.
- Features diverse characters and exciting storylines.
- Appeals to young adults and adults alike.
- Perfect for fans of fantasy and Rick Riordan’s previous works.
About the Author
Rick Riordan is a best-selling author known as "the storyteller of the gods." Before becoming an author, Riordan was a middle school teacher, which inspired him to create engaging stories for young readers. He is the creator of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. Riordan's works blend ancient mythology with contemporary themes, offering readers thrilling adventures that also teach about Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythology. He has received numerous awards for his contributions to children’s literature and continues to expand his mythological universes with new series.
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