"Glitterland" is a novel written by British author Alexis Hall. The book follows the story of Ash Winters, a once-successful writer who suffers from bipolar disorder and has hit rock bottom after a public breakdown. Ash meets Darian Taylor, a male escort, at a friend's party, and they begin a tumultuous relationship that challenges Ash's preconceptions about love and happiness.
The book is primarily a romance novel, but it also deals with themes of mental health, addiction, and social class. It is set in London and explores the city's vibrant gay club scene and the contrast between the glamour and the gritty reality of life for those on the fringes of society.
"Glitterland" has been praised for its complex characters, emotional depth, and vivid descriptions of London's queer culture. It was the winner of the 2013 RITA award for Best Contemporary Romance Novella and has been highly recommended by fans of LGBTQ+ literature.
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