In this gripping psychological thriller, Alice Feeney takes readers to a secluded family mansion on a remote island, where the Darker family gathers for Nana’s 80th birthday. When a storm traps them, and family members start dying one by one, secrets unravel in this twisty tale of betrayal, love, and revenge.
Why You Should Read This Book
- Immerse yourself in a haunting and atmospheric setting.
- Experience a cleverly crafted, Agatha Christie-style locked-room mystery.
- Be captivated by unexpected twists and turns.
- Explore themes of family secrets, redemption, and vengeance.
- Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and suspenseful mysteries.
About the Author
Alice Feeney is a bestselling British author known for her clever psychological thrillers. With her background as a BBC journalist, Feeney crafts gripping stories filled with unexpected twists and complex characters. Her other works include Sometimes I Lie and Rock Paper Scissors.
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