This Woven Kingdom is the first installment in a sweeping fantasy trilogy by bestselling author Tahereh Mafi. Inspired by Persian mythology, this novel weaves an intricate tale of magic, love, and destiny. The story follows Alizeh, a servant girl who hides her true identity as the long-lost heir to a kingdom, and Kamran, the crown prince, whose life takes an unexpected turn when their paths cross.
Set in a richly imagined world filled with court intrigue, ancient prophecies, and forbidden love, the book explores themes of power, identity, and the choices that shape us. With lyrical prose and a gripping narrative, This Woven Kingdom is a breathtaking blend of romance and high-stakes adventure.
Why Read This Book
- Discover a unique fantasy inspired by Persian culture and mythology.
- Experience Tahereh Mafi’s poetic and evocative writing style.
- Follow a compelling heroine who must navigate a world where revealing her true self could mean death.
- Engage with a tale of forbidden love set against a backdrop of political intrigue and prophecy.
- Perfect for fans of epic fantasy with richly developed worlds and multifaceted characters.
About the Author
Tahereh Mafi is a bestselling author known for her Shatter Me series, which has been translated into over 30 languages. Born to Iranian parents in Connecticut, Mafi often incorporates her heritage into her writing, bringing unique cultural perspectives to her works. Her novels are celebrated for their lyrical prose, strong female protagonists, and imaginative storytelling. With This Woven Kingdom, Mafi ventures into high fantasy, showcasing her ability to craft complex worlds and compelling narratives.
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