Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica is a chilling and provocative dystopian novel that imagines a world where humans are bred and consumed as livestock. The story follows Marcos, who works in a processing plant, as he grapples with the moral and existential implications of his society’s practices. Through its stark and unsettling narrative, the novel explores themes of dehumanization, commodification, and the ethical boundaries of humanity. Sarah Moses’ translation captures the visceral and haunting nature of Bazterrica’s prose.
Why You Should Read This Book
- Engage with a chilling and provocative dystopian narrative.
- Reflect on themes of dehumanization, commodification, and ethical boundaries.
- Explore the moral and existential implications of a society that consumes humans as livestock.
- Appreciate Sarah Moses’ translation that captures the visceral and haunting nature of the prose.
- Delve into a thought-provoking and unsettling exploration of humanity.
About the Author
Agustina Bazterrica is an Argentine writer known for her bold and provocative works. Her novel "Tender Is the Flesh" has received international acclaim for its chilling portrayal of a dystopian world and its exploration of deep ethical questions.
Sarah Moses is a translator and writer who has worked on translating various works from Spanish to English. Her translation of "Tender Is the Flesh" has been praised for its ability to convey the intensity and depth of Bazterrica’s original prose.
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