Tara is the fifth installment in the Sati Series by Koral Dasgupta. The book continues the gripping narrative of the series, diving deeper into themes of ancient traditions, modern dilemmas, and the ongoing struggle for women's empowerment. Set against the backdrop of both historical and contemporary contexts, the story weaves together elements of mythology and social issues, reflecting on the role of women in society.
Why Read This Book
- Explores the intersection of mythology and contemporary social issues.
- Provides a deep dive into the role of women and their empowerment.
- Continues the engaging narrative of the Sati Series with rich character development.
- Ideal for readers interested in Indian mythology, historical fiction, and feminist literature.
About the Author
Koral Dasgupta is an acclaimed Indian author known for her engaging narratives that often blend mythology with contemporary themes. Her works frequently explore complex social issues and the role of women in society, resonating with a wide range of readers.
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