Skyward is the first book in a thrilling new science fiction series by Brandon Sanderson. Set in a future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, trapped on a distant planet and under constant threat from alien attackers, the story follows Spensa Nightshade. She dreams of becoming a pilot to defend her people, but her father’s legacy as a deserter overshadows her ambitions. As she uncovers secrets about the war, her world, and herself, Spensa embarks on a journey of self-discovery and courage.
Why Read This Book
- Brandon Sanderson delivers a gripping story with intense aerial combat, high stakes, and emotional depth.
- The novel explores themes of identity, bravery, and overcoming personal challenges.
- Fans of space operas will love the detailed world-building and futuristic technologies.
- Spensa’s journey from a young woman with dreams to a fighter pilot fighting for survival is inspiring and relatable.
- It appeals to both young adult and adult readers, offering a balance between thrilling action and personal growth.
About the Author
Brandon Sanderson is a celebrated author best known for his epic fantasy works like The Stormlight Archive and Mistbornseries. He has been praised for his intricate plotlines, detailed magic systems, and captivating storytelling. Sanderson also completed the Wheel of Time series after the passing of Robert Jordan, solidifying his place as one of the top fantasy and science fiction writers of the modern era. His books have been translated into numerous languages and have won multiple awards, gaining him a loyal global readership.
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