Rock Paper Scissors is a psychological thriller by Alice Feeney. The story follows a married couple, Adam and Amelia, who win a weekend getaway to a remote Scottish village. As they attempt to save their troubled marriage, secrets and past betrayals come to light, leading to unexpected twists and turns. The novel is a gripping exploration of love, deception, and the lengths people will go to for revenge.
Why You Should Read This Book
- A thrilling and suspenseful narrative with unexpected twists.
- Explores themes of love, deception, and revenge.
- Features complex and intriguing characters.
- Written by a bestselling author of psychological thrillers.
- Perfect for fans of dark, twisty stories.
About the Author
Alice Feeney is a British author known for her psychological thrillers. Her debut novel, Sometimes I Lie, was a bestseller and has been translated into multiple languages. Feeney's writing is praised for its suspenseful plots, compelling characters, and surprising twists.
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