Chinese Cinderella is a poignant autobiography by Adeline Yen Mah that recounts her difficult childhood in China. Born into an affluent family, Adeline faced neglect and mistreatment after her mother’s death. Despite the harsh treatment from her stepmother and siblings, Adeline finds solace in education and the pursuit of success. The book is a powerful narrative of resilience, determination, and the struggle for acceptance within one’s family.
Why read this book
- A moving true story about overcoming adversity and finding one’s path despite family rejection and societal expectations.
- Provides a vivid portrayal of life in 20th-century China, exploring themes of gender inequality, family dynamics, and cultural heritage.
- Inspires readers with its message of hope, perseverance, and the importance of education as a means of empowerment.
- A powerful memoir that resonates with anyone who has faced hardship or sought validation and acceptance.
About the Author
Adeline Yen Mah is a Chinese-American author and physician known for her memoirs that chronicle her difficult upbringing. Chinese Cinderella has been widely acclaimed for its moving depiction of a neglected child’s struggle to survive and thrive in an unforgiving world.
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