Set against the backdrop of rural Nepal, करिया portrays the life of its titular character, who belongs to a marginalized community. Through his journey, the novel vividly captures the injustices faced by the underprivileged, exploring how systemic discrimination impacts their lives and aspirations. Krishna Abiral masterfully weaves a narrative that balances the harsh realities of caste-based oppression with moments of hope and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.
The novel’s poignant storytelling and relatable characters make it a gripping and thought-provoking read, shedding light on the societal constructs that continue to influence Nepalese culture.
Why Read This Book
- Captures the harsh realities of caste-based discrimination in Nepal.
- Highlights the resilience and humanity of marginalized communities.
- Features compelling characters and a narrative filled with emotional depth.
- Offers a vivid portrayal of Nepal’s rural life and societal structures.
- Written by a master storyteller, combining authenticity with impactful prose.
About the Author
कृष्ण अविरल (Krishna Abiral) is a celebrated Nepali author, lyricist, and journalist known for his poignant narratives and sharp social commentary. Hailing from Mechinagar, Jhapa, Abiral has authored several acclaimed works, including रक्तकुण्ड and जल्लादको मन. His writings often explore themes of social injustice, human emotions, and the complexities of life in Nepal. With a career spanning over two decades, he has made significant contributions to Nepali literature and journalism, cementing his place as a literary luminary.
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